What Is A Dobro?

I’ve seen a lot of confusion going on with the terminology, so in this video i try to clear this up and explain what is a dobro.

Video Lesson



Here is a picture of a single-cone spider-bridge resonator (photo credit National Reso-Phonic Guitars):



And here is one of single-cone biscuit-bridge resonator (photo credit National Reso-Phonic Guitars):



And finally tricone resonators (photo credit National Reso-Phonic Guitars):



If you want to learn more about the history of the resonator guitar, Dopyera brothers etc. then I highly recommmend this book written by the late Bob Brozman, a truly fascinating read:



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6 thoughts on “What Is A Dobro?

  1. I had some lessons previously and want too get back into it any help would be appreciated as there are not many teachers of dobro near Glen Innes NSW Australia

    1. Hi Aindriu, you can get started with my beginner series. Then if you want to learn some easy songs, have a look at my “Happy Birthday” or “Amazing Grace” series.

  2. Hi Pat,
    Hope this finds you well! Truly appreciate your generous input in these lessons, it is so very clear and helpful.
    Would you give 1:1 lessons on skype/zoom as well please? Thank you &
    Have a great day!

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